It's been a while...

 I am ashamed to say how long it has been since I have even logged into this blog. I have no excuses to offer, just the truth... I have not made this blog a priority. Plain and simple. But, I am going to give it another try and hope that I can do better. So here goes...

I will start with an update on what has been happening for me recently. 

Aside from the obvious COVID-19 related effects that everyone has been experiencing on a mental, emotional, physical and even financial level, 2021 was a particularly challenging time for Martina and me. 

It started in January 2021, when Martina had to go to Germany in the middle of the pandemic to be with her mom as she entered Hospice care. Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions, I was not able to accompany her, so she was forced to make the trip alone. Her stay lasted for almost 3 months as she not only shared time with her mom, but also attended to tying up all of the loose ends that are necessary when an elderly parent dies. Financial concerns, funeral plans as well as cleaning out an apartment full of a life well lived. It took much longer than anyone expected, but we both feel blessed that she was able to make the trip and be there for her mom.

When she returned, we got back to life as usual. Work, house, kids, caring for my mom, who has her own health challenges, and just dealing with the day to day of life during a pandemic. 

Fast forward to the end of October, when one morning I woke up with pins and needles in both my feet. I didn't really think much of it. With all of my lower back issues throughout my life, I thought maybe I just had a nerve pinched. However, the next morning when I woke up and my feet and legs were numb up to my waist, I went straight to the ER. Thus began a 3 month process that resulted in numerous MRIs of my brain and spine, a spinal tap and ultimately a 5 day stay in the hospital for steroid infusions to reduce inflammation inside my spinal cord that was effecting the signals from my brain to my legs and feet. At my worst, I was unable to drive, I was walking with a cane, and my right leg and both feet were numb with pins and needles and intensely sensitive to temperature and touch.

My diagnosis... Transverse Myelitis, which is an unexplained inflammation inside the spinal cord that causes a disruption of the signals from the brain as well as destruction of the myelin sheath, sleeves of fatty tissue that protect your nerve cells, within the spinal cord. Usually it is the result of a bacterial or viral infection that makes it's way into the spinal fluid, but often times there can be no specific cause. It occurs over hours, not days or weeks, and if not dealt with swiftly can result in permanent nerve damage and even paralysis.

I was lucky, the steroid infusions were successful in reducing the inflammation, and although I may continue to have some pins and needles, or neuropathy in my feet and legs, I am no longer walking with a cane, I can drive again and I have most of the feeling back in my legs and feet. I am told that recovery can take up to a year so I am hopeful that I will continue to see improvements as time passes, but if this is as good as it gets, I know I can manage it because I know it could have been so much worse.

I can honestly say that these challenges have made me see each day as a gift. I am blessed to be in overall good health, both mentally and physically, and to have a loving and caring support system of friends and family that have been there when I needed them most. Life is Good!
