Of course "All Lives Matter"...

embracing diversity photo of black and white hands clasped.
This week has been filled with sad stories of loss, frustrating stories of injustice, and yes, frightening stories of hate and intolerance. It seems that incidences of police violence against minorities and gun violence against innocent victims, that used to bring our country together in our common outrage, are now pulling us further apart into arguments about who is at fault, the need for stronger gun legislation, and whose lives matter more. I find myself wondering where are we headed as a nation when the senseless loss of life leaves us bickering amongst ourselves rather than bringing us to a point of reflection as a nation, on what we are doing wrong to be at this point of self destruction.

I am so tired of hearing people respond to the "Black Lives Matter" campaign with an indignant "All Lives Matter" that makes me realize...they've missed the whole point!

Of course "All Lives Matter", but at this point in our nations history, it is becoming more and more apparent that the lives of people of color are not being treated with the same dignity and worth as their white brothers and sisters. I say brothers and sisters, because we are just that. One Tribe! All members of the human family! And until we begin to recognize and heal the racial suffering, that is still very much alive and well in our world, we cannot begin to create equal and loving communities and stop the senseless violence!

Why is it so hard look upon a black man, shot to death in his car in front of his child, still hooked in his seat belt, and recognize that we are not all equal! As a white mother, my reality does not make me fearful that if one of my sons was pulled over by the police on a routine traffic violation, that he might end up dead at the hand of that officer. Simply because I am white, I am privileged to have a different reality. Different is not equal!

How can we not see that a sniper opening fire on committed police officers with an automatic weapon, is just as much about the need for stronger gun control as it is about the need for better resources for the mentally ill. The two are not mutually exclusive!

Of course "All Lives Matter", so when will we start to make the changes necessary so that so many lives are not being lost!
